Are you a business owner ready to take the next step in creating an internship program, but confused as to where you can start looking for interns? Many business owners are unaware of the fact that internship job boards are regularly provided by many colleges and universities today. Our belief is that the best talent can be found by using these internship job boards to your advantage

 After viewing this video you will gain a better understanding of the best places to find high caliber, motivated interns to expand your business, such as colleges or universities. We will also discuss other areas in which you could seek interns, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of this method. 

Are you currently a business owner in need of extra help with your daily business tasks? Would you like to receive this help without having to pay a dime? Well the experts at can help you set up your very own internship program along with providing the knowledge needed to successfully manage it. After viewing this video you will gain a better understanding of the basics of what an internship is actually comprised of and the individuals you should be targeting.